Cocktails to Go Might Be Here to Stay

Cocktails to Go Might Be Here to Stay

Legislation passed during the pandemic allowing for “cocktails to go” would be permanent under a bill passed by the legislature. “Cocktails to go” allows certain businesses to sell alcohol for off premises consumption. Key Points: The current law sunsets on January 1,...
Governor On Investment Mission

Governor On Investment Mission

Governor Gretchen Whitmer spent the week in France and Germany working to bring jobs, investment, and high-tech supply chains back to Michigan. Key Points: While in France, the governor met with business leaders discussing investment opportunities in Michigan for...
Unemployment Rate Declines

Unemployment Rate Declines

Michigan’s jobless rate showed another sign of economic strength, declining month-over-month in May to 3.7%, while the national rate increased. Key Points: The U.S. rate increased by three-tenths of a percentage point to 3.7%. This is the first time Michigan’s jobless...
Last Week on the MLC Blog

Last Week on the MLC Blog

Over the past week, we covered these topics on the MLC Blog… MLC partner Brendan Ringlever was voted the most effective multi-client lobbyist in the biannual MIRS/EPIC-MRA Insider Survey. MLC lobbyist Tony Des Chenes shared what he wishes he knew at the beginning of...
Population Becomes a Key Issue

Population Becomes a Key Issue

To address the declining number of residents in Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced a new council. Named, the “Growing Michigan Together Council,” members are tasked with advising the governor on specific policies to grow Michigan’s population. This includes...