Michigan Legislative Consultants delivers the knowledge, influence and distinctive expertise to successfully achieve your business objectives.

We opened our doors nearly 60 years ago with the same drive to help clients that we possess today – a drive for excellence that fuels a passion to help you succeed. We’ve fostered the relationships. We’ve built the team. We’ve earned our clients’ trust. Let our team of Michigan lobbyists and Michigan procurement experts demonstrate how we can deliver for you.

Insider Intelligence

The MLC Blog highlights the knowledge, influence, and distinctive expertise our team delivers for our clients.

Changing Budget Bill Language For DBI

A budget bill was introduced with language limiting the state’s ability to purchase furniture, a significant threat to DBI’s business.

MLC Saves Satellite TV Millions

MLC teams up with DISH and DIRECTV to fight for the exclusion of television services from state-level paid services taxation.

Helping Graduation Alliance Establish State Law

Graduation Alliance offers drop-out high school students an alternative to finish their education and allow them to be more employable in the future.

Protecting the Soft Drink and Food Industries from Targeted Tax

Local governments had instituted a tax on sweetened beverages and food that could have negative effects on consumers, employees, and businesses.

Election Coalition Launched

Changes to Minimum Wage, Paid Sick Leave Proposed

By Liz Gullett

Bipartisan legislation reforming upcoming changes to Michigan’s paid sick leave laws and minimum wage was introduced. Unless the legislature takes action, changes to both are set to take effect on February 20, 2025, including increases to the hourly wage and the hourly tipped wage and mandatory paid sick leave for employees.

Matt Sowash



With over 10 years’ experience in state government as a legislative director, analyst, campaign manager, and entrepreneur, Matt’s unique experience through all levels of politics brings a fresh millennial perspective to MLC.

Our People

Our People

Our team of professional advocates is an extension of your team. Together, we’ll drive the agenda to produce the results your business needs—and deserves—to be successful.

Our Services

Your challenges are what drive us; they are the essence and purpose of our work.

Your Results

Outcome. Upshot. ROI. Results. Call it what you will, our system is designed to produce it. Governing is chaotic enough. You deserve a well thought out and executed effort from your advocates.

Some of our valued client partners

Our valued client partners

Michigan Legislative Consultants
110 W. Michigan Avenue
Suite 500
Lansing, MI 48933
517.372.0130 fax

1001 Woodward Avenue
Suite 500
Detroit, MI 48226

MLC is proud to be the Michigan member of NASL