Starting is Half the Battle

Apr 5, 2023

Monica Martinez

by Monica Martinez

Knowing how to reach key decision makers is vital and each day Monica brings that insider knowledge to advocate on behalf of our clients.

Beginnings can be a time of great opportunity. To quote Aristotle, “The beginning seems to be more than half of the whole.”  True indeed.  I can recall my first three months serving as a commissioner on the Michigan Public Service Commission.  During that time, there were a few large issues decided, including reviewing the competitiveness of telecommunication services and putting new regulatory rules in place.  On top of all that, there were very detailed and in-depth regulatory concepts that I needed to master.  Yes, there were long days and nights, and a few endless meetings.

The beginning of something new can sometimes feel like you are drinking from a firehose. I spent a lot of time meeting new colleagues in the industry within the state, region, and throughout the country.  Starting something new is an important time to learn from others, share experiences, and be a part of something bigger.

In January, there were dozens of new members in the House and Senate. However, as we move into the next quarter of activity, we will soon find that the legislature is not new anymore.  More so, we will find that during the first quarter, they took advantage of great opportunities and were able to achieve accomplishments by building new relationships and having diverse experiences.  And, most of all we will see that the beginning was a successful battle won because, after all, the beginning is half of the battle to anything.

Michigan Legislative Consultants is a bipartisan lobbying firm based in Lansing, Michigan. Our team of lobbyists and procurement specialists provide a wide range of services for some of the most respected companies in America. For more on MLC, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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