Insider Intelligence

Liz Gullett

Clean Water Grants Announced

The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy announced $67.1 million in MI Clean Water grants to help communities upgrade water infrastructure, protect health, and the environment. The grants are available through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund...

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Liz Gullett

Tribal Chairperson Appointed to Commission

Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi (NHBP) Tribal Chairperson Jamie Stuck has been appointed as a member of the Michigan Opioid Advisory Commission by Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids). Key Points: The commission was established in 2022 by...

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Liz Gullett

Looking Ahead to the Week of February 3 – 9, 2024

The House and Senate are scheduled to hold session on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Executive Budget Recommendations will be presented to a joint meeting of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees on Wednesday, February 7. The Michigan Public Service Commission...

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Liz Gullett

Five Things We’re Reading

Below are some of the articles that the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do. How to Create Your Own “Year in Review” – Reflecting is a great way to find areas for improvement. Here are three steps...

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Liz Gullett

Last Week on the MLC Blog

Over the past week, we covered these topics on the MLC Blog… MLC lobbyist Rudy Hobbs shared a behind-the-scenes look at a busy session day in his latest post. Governor Whitmer gave her sixth State of the State address, focusing on tackling high costs for Michigan...

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Michigan Legislative Consultants
110 W. Michigan Avenue
Suite 500
Lansing, MI 48933
517.372.0130 fax

1001 Woodward Avenue
Suite 500
Detroit, MI 48226

MLC is proud to be the Michigan member of NASL