Michigan Leading Clean Energy Projects

Michigan Leading Clean Energy Projects

A new report shows Michigan continues to be a national leader in clean energy and electric vehicle manufacturing. Michigan is number one in the nation for President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act projects, resulting in more than $25 billion in new investments...
Hearing Announced on Upper Peninsula Energy Issues

Hearing Announced on Upper Peninsula Energy Issues

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) is heading to Marquette at the end of the month for a public hearing on energy issues specific to the Upper Peninsula (U.P.). Commissioners will focus on a public study conducted as part of the 2023 revamp of the state’s...
Summer Energy Outlook Released

Summer Energy Outlook Released

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) released its projections for energy supply and demand in Michigan this summer. They are projecting residents can expect slightly lower costs for gasoline, natural gas, diesel fuel, and home heating oil, but some customers...
Five Things We’re Reading

Five Things We’re Reading

Below are some of the articles that the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do. Seasonal Businesses Can Stay Profitable in the Off-Season. Here’s How. – When budgeting isn’t enough, how can thinking...
Last Week on the MLC Blog

Last Week on the MLC Blog

Over the past week, we covered these topics on the MLC Blog… MLC lobbyist Rudy Hobbs shared the steps he’s taking to ensure the success of his personal goal for the year of focusing on networking. The House Fiscal Agency released its monthly revenue update, showing...