Testimony Given on Nuclear Energy Generation

Testimony Given on Nuclear Energy Generation

This week, the House Energy Committee heard testimony on a bipartisan package seeking to encourage nuclear energy generation in Michigan. Key Points: House Bills 4124 – 4129 were introduced by Representatives Pauline Wendzel (R-Watervliet), Mike McFall (D-Hazel Park),...
Electric Choice Program Fully Subscribed

Electric Choice Program Fully Subscribed

Each electric provider in Michigan’s electric choice program remained at or near the 10% statutory cap in 2024. Key Points: Electric demand in the program was down 611 MW from 2023. The number of customers participating declined slightly in 2024 to 5,514 from 5,539 in...
Michigan Receives High National Ranking

Michigan Receives High National Ranking

Michigan was ranked sixth nationally for clean energy jobs. Currently, the state has nearly 128,000 clean energy jobs, with the industry growing twice as fast as economy-wide employment. Michigan Statistics: The 2024 Clean Jobs America Report from E2 was based on an...
Five Things We’re Reading

Five Things We’re Reading

Below are some articles the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do. Research: How Should Multinational Firms Navigate Local Rules? – Here are six ways to navigate local rules, without hampering the...
Last Week on the MLC Blog

Last Week on the MLC Blog

Over the past week, we covered these topics on the MLC Blog… Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced an executive order reorganizing boards, councils, and committees, to cut red tape and streamline government. A new report shows Michigan continues to be a national leader...