Population Growth Strategy Recommendations Submitted

Dec 15, 2023

by Liz Gullett

As MLC’s Communications and Social Media Manager, Liz Gullett keeps clients informed and up-to-date on the goings on in Lansing and the Capitol.

The Growing Michigan Together Council voted 19-1 in support of submitting its population growth report to Governor Gretchen Whitmer, the Michigan Senate, and the Michigan House of Representatives. The report examines Michigan’s challenges and outcomes, and its competitiveness with faster-growing peer states, and outlines growth-oriented strategies to reverse population trends.

According to an independent report, Michigan’s population has decoupled from national population growth, creating a gap that’s unlikely to close in the next 20 years. Over the last five months, the council investigated decades of trends related to key outcomes that could impact growth. The strategies in the report serve as a starting point to address these fundamental issues and correct the population trajectory of the state to close the gap.


    • Build a lifelong education system focused on future-ready skills and competencies to thrive.
    • Create a transformative economic growth strategy that establishes Michigan as the Innovation Hub of the Midwest and America’s Scale-Up State.
    • Create thriving, resilient communities that are magnets for young talent, including public transit, housing, and climate-resilient, durable infrastructure.

The report provides the governor and legislature with suggestions for the next steps. To view the full report, please visit growingmichigan.org.

Michigan Legislative Consultants is a bipartisan lobbying firm based in Lansing, Michigan. Our team of lobbyists and procurement specialists provide a wide range of services for some of the most respected companies in America. For more on MLC, visit www.mlcmi.com or connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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