Insider Intelligence
Last Week on the MLC Blog
Over the past week, we covered these topics on the MLC Blog… The Senate Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection Committee advanced legislation creating an independent Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Senators Mary Cavanagh and Sarah Anthony introduced...
Proposed Prescription Drug Board Moves
The Senate Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection Committee advanced legislation creating an independent Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB). Key Points: The board would have the authority to analyze, evaluate, and recommend strategies to mitigate the...
Auto Insurance Reforms Introduced
Senators Mary Cavanagh (D-Redford Twp.) and Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) introduced legislation they hope will improve access to care for drivers severely injured in auto accidents. Key Points: In 2019, the legislature reformed the first-party personal injury...
House Passes Voting Reform
Legislation allowing the spouse and/or dependent of an active duty servicemember, serving overseas, to vote electronically was passed by the House this week. Key Points: The legislation was introduced by Representative Carol Glanville (D-Walker). Under current law,...
Change to Counting Incarcerated People Proposed
Under legislation proposed by Senator Sylvia Santana (D-Detroit), a person would be counted by their pre-incarceration address, not the address of the prison, during a population count. Key Points: The Department of Corrections would collect a person’s...
New State Police Director Named
Governor Whitmer selected Captain James F. Grady II to lead the Michigan State Police (MSP), which includes a promotion to the rank of colonel. Key Points: Captain Grady has more than 25 years of experience in public safety, including nearly a decade of leadership...

Michigan Legislative Consultants
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