Chief Growth Officer Hilary Doe and the Growing Michigan Together team released a report, which compiled feedback from over 11,000 residents. It focuses on the types of challenges communities face, but also what they love most about the state. The feedback will be used to create a population growth strategy.
Key Points:
- To get feedback, Ms. Doe and her team traveled statewide, hosting more than 70 in-person and virtual events, including colleges and universities, and speaking at 26 conferences.
- When asked about the most pressing issues facing their communities, 30% said improved infrastructure, 13% said better career and education opportunities, and 10% said more accessible and available housing.
- The top responses from residents on what they love most about living in Michigan include natural beauty, recreation infrastructure, trails, and sports fields, as well as weather and communities.
- Additionally, the Growing Michigan Together team conducted a national poll of 2,700 people to understand why young people choose a certain location to relocate. 50% responded job or educational opportunities, 27% said proximity to family, and 13% said the cost of living.
Next Steps:
- The Growing Michigan Together Council will consider the responses as they prepare to submit final growth-oriented policy recommendations to Governor Whitmer in December.
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