Governor Lays Out Department, Agency Spending Proposals

Feb 9, 2024

by Liz Gullett

As MLC’s Communications and Social Media Manager, Liz Gullett keeps clients informed and up-to-date on the goings on in Lansing and the Capitol.

In her budget recommendations this week, Governor Gretchen Whitmer outlined her proposals for spending within state departments and agencies. Below are aspects from within the executive budget recommendations.

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

    • $144.2 million total, of which 80% is used to protect animals, consumers, and the environment
    • $4 million to create a Farm to Family Program

Department of Civil Rights

    • The total ongoing funding is $32.3 million
    • $5 million to reduce the backlog of discrimination cases and investigations

Department of Corrections

    • The budget totals $2.1 billion in ongoing funding and $3.4 million in one-time funding
    • $26.7 million for prisoner healthcare

Department of Education

    • $162.8 million total spending
    • 50% of the proposed budget goes to program admin, 19% to Libraries of Michigan, 16% to central office admin, 12% to the Michigan School for the Deaf, and the remaining 3% to other items

Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

    • The total budget is roughly $1.1 billion
    • $40 million for water infrastructure replacement and improvements
    • $25 million to install more electric vehicle charging stations

Department of Health and Human Services

    • The budget totals $37.6 billion ongoing and $112 million in one-time funding
    • $193.3 million to expand Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
    • $46 million for changes to the Family Independence Program
    • $15 million to increase funding by 30% to support households struggling to pay energy bills


    • Proposed funding totals $371.8 million
    • $4.6 million to continue implementation of the statewide judicial case management system

Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity

    • The budget totals $1.8 billion in ongoing funding and $191 million in one-time funding
    • $60 million to support high-growth, scalable startups
    • $150 million for targeted energy investment to work towards a carbon-free future
    • $20 million for Going Pro to further expand employer-based training
    • $20 million to address current and future workforce needs

Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

    • Ongoing funding totals $635.5 million and $250,000 one-time funding
    • $258.3 million for Michigan Indigent Defense Commission grants for 120 local trial courts
    • $33.6 million for the Cannabis Regulatory Agency
    • $7 million to implement new clean energy legislation

Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential

    • $577 million proposed budget for this new department
    • $60 million for childcare benefits for childcare workers
    • $500,000 to provide technical assistance and supplies to ensure safe drinking water in childcare centers

Department of Natural Resources

    • $542.8 million ongoing funding is proposed
    • $17.2 million to improve state parks

Department of State

    • $291.8 million ongoing funding
    • $18.8 million to support nine days of early voting in statewide and federal elections
    • $5.7 million to increase election security
    • $1.1 million to fulfill recently enacted legislation requiring disclosure reporting by certain elected officials

Department of State Police

    • $928.2 million ongoing and $5 million one-time funding
    • $5 million to support training, recruitment, and retention of police officers
    • $1.4 million to protect visitors from unauthorized weapons inside the State Capitol and Heritage Hall

Department of Technology, Management, and Budget

    • A total of $1.8 billion in ongoing funding and $76.8 million in one-time funding
    • $25 million for the Make it in Michigan Competitiveness Fund
    • $10 million for upgrades to Michigan’s Public Safety Communications System
    • $2.4 million to make the official accessible in multiple languages

Department of Transportation

    • A total of $6.6 billion in ongoing funding and $186 million in one-time funding
    • $397.6 million increase for roads and bridges
    • $74.8 million for ongoing support for transit and rail programs
    • $24 million for capital improvements at airports

Department of Treasury

    • $901.7 million ongoing funding and $31 million one-time funding
    • $25 million to support a vehicle rebate program called for in the State of the State

For more information on the executive budget recommendations, please visit

Michigan Legislative Consultants is a bipartisan lobbying firm based in Lansing, Michigan. Our team of lobbyists and procurement specialists provide a wide range of services for some of the most respected companies in America. For more on MLC, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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