The Michigan Council on Future Mobility and Electrification released its annual report, including a set of key policy recommendations they believe will help the state remain a global leader in next-generation transportation.
Key Points:
- The Council developed seven action teams, each tasked with focusing on specific areas of the governor’s MI Future Mobility Plan.
- The teams developed resolutions that aim to support the startup and scale up of emerging technologies and businesses.
- The Council adopted six specific resolutions from the action teams’ recommendations.
- Resolutions include incentives for low- and zero-emission hydrogen and EVs for medium and heavy-duty fleets; exploring partnerships with venture capital firms to establish funds specifically dedicated to supporting startups in future mobility and electrification sectors; and compiling a list of intelligent transportation systems assets, map communication networks, and identify gaps to help position the state as a leader in future autonomous capable vehicles and electrification.
The Michigan Council on Future Mobility and Electrification:
- Created by Governor Whitmer in 2020.
- It brings together government, public and private stakeholders, and research institutions to address the challenges associated with the rapidly evolving mobility landscape.
To read the annual report, please click here.