Meet the Incoming Speaker of the House

Meet the Incoming Speaker of the House

Representative Matt Hall (R-Kalamazoo) was selected by his peers this week to serve as Speaker of the House next term, which begins in January. Biography: He is currently serving his third term in the House and serves as the Minority Leader. In prior terms, he served...
Meet the Incoming House Democratic Leader

Meet the Incoming House Democratic Leader

This week, Representative Ranjeev Puri (D-Canton) was selected by his colleagues to serve as the Democratic Leader for the upcoming term beginning in January. Biography: He is currently serving his second term in the House. During the current term, he’s served as the...
Supreme Court Announces Oral Arguments

Supreme Court Announces Oral Arguments

The Michigan Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on Wednesday, November 13, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Key Points: Oral arguments will be held at the Michigan Hall of Justice in Lansing. Six cases are scheduled to be heard that day. Oral arguments will be livestreamed...
Spotlight on Representative Veronica Paiz

Spotlight on Representative Veronica Paiz

Representative Veronica Paiz (D-Harper Woods) is the Vice Chair of the Agriculture Committee. Additionally, she’s a member of the following committees: Higher Education; Local Government and Municipal Finance; and Natural Resources, Environment, Tourism, and Outdoor...
Five Things We’re Reading

Five Things We’re Reading

Below are some articles the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do. Many Older Americans Don’t Trust AI-Generated Health Information – What do demographics tell us about the faith people will place in...