Below are some articles the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do.
The Fastest Growing (And Shrinking) U.S. Counties – A look at where people are moving and why that is potentially problematic in the future.
The New Museum Trend Helping Us Regain Our Lost Attention – How might a quiet room, with dark lighting and only a few paintings, help a person regain their focus?
Why a ‘Third Life’ Is the Answer to America’s Loneliness Epidemic –How is the lack of social exposure hurting us and our democracy, and how might places such as coffee shops and community centers help alleviate this growing problem?
Knives Come Out for the D.C. Consultant Class as Democrats Search for a New Leader – While the DNC is searching for new leadership and a way to regroup after losses in 2024, why are they pointing fingers at consultants?
U.S. Science Funding Agencies Roll Out Policies on Free Access to Journal Articles – Organizations are beginning the roll-out of President Biden’s call for publicly accessible scientific journal articles for studies that used federal funding. Why are some not happy about the change?