Cycling Through the Cycles of Summer

Cycling Through the Cycles of Summer

People’s summers are usually denoted by the months or particular days. Memorial Day and Labor Day seem most common in addition to the Summer Solstice. My summer timeline is indicated by cycling events. “Summer heads up” are the five Monument races. These are the...
Summer Fun in the Upper Peninsula

Summer Fun in the Upper Peninsula

Even though I grew up in Michigan, I didn’t spend any time in the Upper Peninsula.  While I would drive through on my way to Sault Ste Marie to cross into Canada, I didn’t vacation or make any stops along the way.  The idea of spending time in the U.P. took off during...
Ice Cream – The Star of Summer

Ice Cream – The Star of Summer

Summertime in Michigan makes me think of sun, water, backyard BBQs, and most importantly, ICE CREAM.  Yes, ice cream. Now, I’m not going to debate on the best way to serve it – in a cup, regular cone, sugar cone, or waffle cone – rather, I’m going to share some...
Kicking Off Summer with Bagpipes and Beer

Kicking Off Summer with Bagpipes and Beer

As we enter the month of May, summer finally seems to be within reach! Memorial Day weekend is for boating, barbequing, camping, or whatever else you enjoy doing to ring in summer in Michigan. But for as long as I can remember, my long weekend has looked a little...
Five Things We’re Reading

Five Things We’re Reading

Below are some of the articles that the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do. The Case for Investing in Digital Public Infrastructure – How can the public and private sectors successfully build the...