Executive Budget Recommendations

Executive Budget Recommendations

Today, the State Budget Office presented Governor Whitmer’s seventh budget to a joint hearing of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. The budget, which totals $83.5 billion, focuses on six key areas: lowering costs, creating jobs, getting SMART on...
Appropriation Changes Adopted

Appropriation Changes Adopted

A proposal laying out new rules for legislatively directed spending initiatives was adopted in the Michigan House of Representatives this week. Key Points: House Resolution 14 was introduced by Appropriations Chairwoman, Representative Ann Bollin (R-Brighton). Under...
House Appropriations Chair Named

House Appropriations Chair Named

Representative Ann Bollin (R-Brighton) has been selected as chair of the House Appropriations Committee for the 2024 – 2025 term. She previously served on the committee in each of her first three terms in office. Appropriations Committee: Representative Matt Maddock...
Revenue Estimating Conference Held

Revenue Estimating Conference Held

Today, the directors of the House and Senate Fiscal Agencies, State Treasurer Rachael Eubanks, and State Budget Director Jen Flood came together to reach a consensus on projected state revenue for the upcoming fiscal year. At the biannual Consensus Revenue Estimating...
Monthly Tax Revenue Increases

Monthly Tax Revenue Increases

Revenue from major taxes and net lottery revenue totaled $4.1 billion in October, a 3.5% increase from the prior year. The collections were $7.1 million higher than prior projections. Key Points: General Fund tax collections were $16.7 million less than projected,...