Insider Intelligence

Senate Chambers
Liz Gullett

Legislature Wraps Up Session for 2023

Thursday, November 9 was the last session day for the House and Senate for 2023. While typically the legislature holds session and committees through December, there were a number of reasons for the early end. Key Points: The Michigan Constitution requires the...

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Liz Gullett

Members Departing House, Dems Lose Majority

Following successful local elections, two members of the House Democratic Caucus will leave the chamber next week. This will shift the makeup of the House to a 54-54 Democratic/Republican split majority. Key Points: Representative Kevin Coleman and Representative...

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Liz Gullett

Legislature Passes Financial Disclosure

As required by Proposal 1 of 2022, the legislature finalized its plan creating financial disclosure requirements for certain elected officials and candidates in Michigan. Key Points: Requires a candidate to file a financial disclosure report before they can be...

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Wind solar energy
Liz Gullett

Renewable Energy Changes Headed to Governor

The legislature finalized their plan establishing new energy standards and reforming renewable energy oversight. While the package makes several changes in the energy sphere, one of the most highly discussed aspects moves the approval of large-scale renewable...

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Liz Gullett

Voter Preregistration Changes Pass

The legislature passed a bill this week allowing 16-year-olds to preregister to vote in Michigan. Key Points: Under current law, a person can register to vote when they turn 17.5. With the change, a resident of a city or township can preregister to vote in that...

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Michigan Legislative Consultants

Michigan Legislative Consultants
110 W. Michigan Avenue
Suite 500
Lansing, MI 48933
517.372.0130 fax

1001 Woodward Avenue
Suite 500
Detroit, MI 48226

MLC is proud to be the Michigan member of NASL