Insider Intelligence
Michigan Moving Toward 100% Clean Energy
By 2040, Michigan will get 100% of its energy from renewable sources under legislation signed into law by Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The move towards clean energy will occur in incremental stages, beginning with a 50% standard by 2030 and a 60% standard by 2035....
Candidates File for Open House Seats
Following the announcement of special primary and general elections to fill two open House seats, 12 candidates filed to run in the primaries. The 13th and 25th House districts were left vacant after former Representatives Lori Stone and Kevin Coleman won mayoral...
Supreme Court to Consider Adopt and Amend
The legality of the legislature’s use of adopt and amend on a ballot proposal increasing the minimum wage will go before the Michigan Supreme Court next week during December’s oral arguments. Key Points: In 2018, two citizens’ initiatives raising the state’s...
Infrastructure Among Top Priorities for Residents
Chief Growth Officer Hilary Doe and the Growing Michigan Together team released a report, which compiled feedback from over 11,000 residents. It focuses on the types of challenges communities face, but also what they love most about the state. The feedback will be...
Executive Office Staff Changes Announced
Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced promotions and hires in several key areas within the executive office and state government. Office of Community Engagement: Jenita Moore, Director Eric Keller, Community Engagement Advisor Michigan Infrastructure Office: Kristin...
Looking Ahead to the Week of December 2 – 8, 2023
The House and Senate have completed session for the year and will not hold session nor committees. The Michigan Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in 12 cases on December 6 and 7.

Michigan Legislative Consultants
110 W. Michigan Avenue
Suite 500
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517.372.0130 fax
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Suite 500
Detroit, MI 48226
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