Insider Intelligence
Looking Ahead to the Week of February 17 – 23, 2024
MLC will be closed on Monday, February 19 for Presidents’ Day. State offices are also closed that day. The House and Senate are scheduled to hold session Tuesday – Thursday. House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees are beginning to meet to hear presentations...
Five Things We’re Reading
Below are some articles the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do. Why Are People Climate Change Deniers? Study Reveals Unexpected Results – What role does self-image play in a person’s beliefs on...
Last Week on the MLC Blog
Over the past week, we covered these topics on the MLC Blog… MLC lobbyist Amber Chandler shared why now is the right time to invest in Southeast Michigan. Nearly 1.3 million Michigan voters have requested absentee ballots, an increase of 80% from the same point...
Absentee Ballot Requests Soar
With three weeks until Election Day in Michigan’s presidential primary, nearly 1.3 million voters have requested absentee ballots, an increase of 80% from the same point before the 2020 presidential primary. Key Points: In 2022, Michigan voters passed Proposal 2,...
Governor Proposes Increased Education Funding
This week, Governor Gretchen Whitmer presented her budget recommendations for the next fiscal year, beginning on October 1. One of the key areas of the budget is always education and this year was no exception. The governor referred to it as a “Michigan Guarantee”...
Governor Lays Out Department, Agency Spending Proposals
In her budget recommendations this week, Governor Gretchen Whitmer outlined her proposals for spending within state departments and agencies. Below are aspects from within the executive budget recommendations. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development $144.2...

Michigan Legislative Consultants
110 W. Michigan Avenue
Suite 500
Lansing, MI 48933
517.372.0130 fax
1001 Woodward Avenue
Suite 500
Detroit, MI 48226
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