Insider Intelligence
General Election Overview: 55th District
Through the general election on November 5, we will highlight races generally considered swing seats. The candidate’s website and professional information are listed when available. District Overview The 55th House District is located in Oakland County, including...
Five Things We’re Reading
Below are some articles the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do. Research: How Should Multinational Firms Navigate Local Rules? – Here are six ways to navigate local rules, without hampering the...
General Election Overview: 54th District
Through the general election on November 5, we will highlight races generally considered swing seats. The candidate’s website and professional information are listed when available. District Overview The 54th House District is located in Oakland County, including...
Last Week on the MLC Blog
Over the past week, we covered these topics on the MLC Blog… Legislation aimed at safeguarding the rights of qualified voters and reducing barriers to election participation passed the Senate. Four Michigan Tribes were selected to receive funding to empower them to...
Looking Ahead to the Week of September 21 – 27, 2024
The House and Senate are scheduled to hold its typical Tuesday – Thursday session schedule. The Michigan Public Service Commission will hold its regular commission meeting on Thursday, September 26. For more information, please click...
Voting Rights Act Passes
Legislation aimed at safeguarding the rights of qualified voters and reducing barriers to election participation passed the Senate this week. The package was sponsored by members of the Senate Democratic Caucus and developed with Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson...

Michigan Legislative Consultants
110 W. Michigan Avenue
Suite 500
Lansing, MI 48933
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Suite 500
Detroit, MI 48226
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