Insider Intelligence
Looking Ahead to the Week of July 15 – 21, 2023
The House and Senate are scheduled to hold session Tuesday – Thursday. MLC President Tim Ward is continuing his 2,400-mile bike ride, tracing the shores of Michigan to bring awareness to and raise funds for Chance for Life. To follow along, please visit...
Last Week on the MLC Blog
Over the past week, we covered these topics on the MLC Blog… 2,400 miles in 22 days. That’s what MLC President Tim Ward is tackling on TraceMI, his ride to raise awareness and funds for a worthy cause. A study outlining the impacts and recommendations for...
MLC President Embarking on Charity Ride
2,400 miles in 22 days. That’s what MLC President Tim Ward is tackling on TraceMI, his ride to raise awareness and funds for a worthy cause. What is TraceMI? Tim will trace the outlines of the two peninsulas of Michigan on his bike. Riding six days per week, he...
Electrical Demand Study Released
A study outlining the impacts and recommendations for addressing growing demand for electricity was submitted to the legislature. As requested by the Senate in 2020, the Michigan Public Service Commission studied the potential grid impacts from expanded integration...
Michigan Set to Expand High-Speed Internet
Michigan is receiving $1.5 billion in federal funds, allowing the state to expand high-speed internet access to over 200,000 residents. Key Points: Michigan is the 4th highest recipient of funding through the federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment...
Community Grant Funding Announced
The Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity announced the availability of $60 million in Community Center Grant program funds. Key Points: Funds may be used by municipalities and organizations to expand programming or work on capital projects. Capital project...
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