Insider Intelligence
Michigan Receives Funding for Clean Hydrogen Hub
A Michigan-backed clean hydrogen hub project was awarded up to $1 billion by the U.S. Department of Energy. The funds will be used to develop regional supply chains for the production, distribution, and use of hydrogen in trucks and heavy-duty vehicles. Key Points:...
New Director Appointed
Brian Love will serve as the new director of the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency beginning October 31. He is replacing Adam Hollier who announced his resignation in order to run for Congress. Biography: Love currently works as the director of community engagement...
Disclosure of AI Usage in Campaign Ads Moves
The House Elections Committee reported a bipartisan package requiring disclosure on political ads that contain images or videos generated using artificial intelligence (AI). Key Points: The 2024 election cycle will be the first national campaign season with widely...
Governor Signs Legislation Enshrining ACA Into Law
Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation that places portions of the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) into state law. Should Congress act to repeal the ACA, these portions would remain in Michigan. Key Points: Prohibits insurers from denying coverage based on...
Energy Permitting Changes Move Forward
Legislation that would give the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) the authority to permit certain wind and solar energy projects was reported by the House Energy, Communications, and Technology Committee this week. Currently, this authority rests with...
Looking Ahead to the Week of October 21 – 27, 2023
The House and Senate are scheduled to hold their typical Tuesday – Thursday session schedule. The Michigan Public Service Commission will hold a regular commission meeting on October 24 at 1 p.m. For more information or to view a Livestream, please click...

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