Influence Is The Difference
A healthcare industry group turned to MLC for guidance and strategy on increasing the provider rates for nurses who provide in-home care for Private Duty Nursing (PDN) agencies for children with chronic physical conditions.
The Challenge
Michigan’s PDN nurses were among the lowest paid nurses in the nation. The MLC team engaged the state’s community health department leadership and the legislature in order to set the stage for requesting a significant pay increase to benefit the businesses and their employees in this sector.
The Solution
MLC developed a strategy to increase compensation to Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), while still offering the Medicaid option to special needs families in Michigan. MLC worked with its clients to raise Medicaid reimbursement rates to entice caregivers and agencies to work in the home setting versus the hospital, where workers likely would earn a higher wage. This wage increase was vital to the families and state government, since the cost of hospital care was almost double the cost of an at-home nurse. In addition, long-term hospital stays detach children from their home environment. MLC utilized the relevant data from a health care policy shop to bolster its arguments.
The Result
MLC’s strategy and lobbying paid off. Based on MLC’s efforts, the administration and legislature realized the importance of the pay increase and provided a 15 percent increase, nearly $7 million, within the budget.
For more information on how MLC can help you tackle your challenges, contact us today.

“The MLC team’s work on this initiative brought needed attention to a niche market of caregiving. Our successful lobbying efforts ensure both proper compensation for private duty nursing programs and qualified care for patients who need it most.”
– Brendan E. Ringlever

Michigan Legislative Consultants
110 W. Michigan Avenue
Suite 500
Lansing, MI 48933
517.372.0130 fax
1001 Woodward Avenue
Suite 500
Detroit, MI 48226
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