Governor Establishes LGBTQ+ Commission

Jun 16, 2023

by Liz Gullett

As MLC’s Communications and Social Media Manager, Liz Gullett keeps clients informed and up-to-date on the goings on in Lansing and the Capitol.

Governor Whitmer signed an executive order creating Michigan’s first commission tasked with addressing issues facing Michigan’s LGBTQ+ community.

Key Points:

    • The commission will advise the governor and director of the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity on policy matters.
    • It will look at ways to improve and protect the health, safety, and well-being of the state’s LGBTQ+ community.
    • Work to promote the culture, history, and economic contributions of the community.
    • Look for ways to attract potential future residents from the community by ensuring Michigan is a safe place where its members and their families can thrive.

Next Steps:

    • Governor Whitmer will appoint individuals representing the interests of a diverse range of communities and perspectives.

To read the full executive order, please click here.

Michigan Legislative Consultants is a bipartisan lobbying firm based in Lansing, Michigan. Our team of lobbyists and procurement specialists provide a wide range of services for some of the most respected companies in America. For more on MLC, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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