Below are some of the articles that the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do.
Cyber Thieves Are Getting More Creative – How are cybercriminals evolving to trick more people?
States Seek to Ease Child Care Crunch – A shortage of child care is negatively impacting the economy by billions of dollars. How are states working to address this problem?
This US Neighborhood Will Give You a Free Electric bike If You Move There (Seriously) – Would you move to a car-free community if they provide you with a free bike for transportation?
Is Your Company As Strategically Aligned As You Think It Is? – What is the common gap among strategic alignment and how can you bridge that gap?
As Sea Levels Rise, the East Coast Is Also Sinking – What’s causing the coastline to sink and how is this exacerbating the problem of rising sea-levels?