Fueled by a passion for excellence

Brendan E. Ringlever
Brendan Ringlever has 30 years of expertise, bringing a blend of experience that strengthens the firm’s ability to move legislation and develop relationships with all necessary policymakers.

Brendan began his career in the State Legislature serving in various roles for over a decade. Prior to joining MLC, he served as Deputy Chief of Staff and Legislative Director to the Senate Majority Leader. Brendan left public service in 2004 to join MLC. As a partner at MLC, he uses his years of leadership and institutional knowledge to help the team achieve the goals and objectives of our clients.

BA, Political Economy, Hillsdale College

In the Community
Previous service:

  • Michigan Film Commission
  • Michigan Children’s Trust Fund Board
  • Hillsdale College Alumni Executive Board, also serving as President for the organization
  • Brendan also volunteers with the Michigan Political Leadership Program

As a son of a Dutch immigrant, he is a founding advisory committee member of the West Michigan Global Initiative in which he:

  • Helped the state lead its first formal Trade Mission to the Netherlands in 2013.
  • Served on the Orange Committee to coordinate the visit of the Dutch King and Queen to Michigan.
  • Manages the Legislative Dutch Caucus.

Outside the Office
When away from the Capitol, Brendan spends his time running, golfing and traveling with his wife, Kim, and their two boys, Marcus and Matthew.

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Michigan Legislative Consultants

Michigan Legislative Consultants
110 W. Michigan Avenue
Suite 500
Lansing, MI 48933
517.372.0130 fax

1001 Woodward Avenue
Suite 500
Detroit, MI 48226

MLC is proud to be the Michigan member of NASL