Below are some articles the MLC lobby team has been reading this past week. We hope you find them as interesting and useful as we do.
A Self-Care Checklist For Leaders – Here are practical ways to help incorporate self-care into your daily life.
PhD Student Finds Lot City in Mexico Jungle By Accident – How did technology help this student discover a sizable city that other archeologists had previously missed?
One of America’s First Spectator Sports Was Professional Walking – Did the rise of fitness influencers actually start in the late 1800s?
How GenAI Makes Foreign Influence Campaigns On Social Media Even Worse – There’s been a rise in social media campaigns by other countries to influence Americans. While GenAI has a lot of benefits, how is it problematic in these cases?
To Become A Better Presenter, Look Inward – How can learning more about ourselves help us become better communicators?